High Commission of Cameroon in Abuja

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Frederick kwabena Hinson

Dear sir /madame I'm Frederick kwabena Hinson by name born in Cameroon and my father being a Ghanaian. I currently entered Ghana illegally and I'm been asked to provide some notice from the embassy so as to get my Ghana nationality. Please how can I go about it?


Hello, I am a Cameroonian. I live and work in edo state Nigeria. I want to know if I can process and get my passport here without traveling to Cameroon.

Voufo Dugard Elvis

Chère Ambassade/Consulat Je vous écris pour me renseigner sur la procédure d'obtention d'une carte d'identité nationale camerounaise tout en résidant au Nigeria. Je suis un citoyen camerounais vivant à Abuja au Nigeria et souhaite demander des conseils sur la procédure de candidature Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me fournir les informations suivantes : - Les documents nécessaires requis pour la demande - Le formulaire de candidature si disponible - Le processus de soumission (en personne, par courrier ou en ligne) - Toutes exigences ou frais supplémentaires associés à la demande J'apprécierais grandement tout conseil ou soutien que vous pourriez offrir à ce sujetVeuillez me faire savoir s'il existe des exigences ou des procédures spécifiques pour les citoyens vivant à l'étranger. j'adorerais l'utiliser à des fins de passeport international Je vous remercie de votre temps et de votre aide. Sincèrement, Voufo Dugard Elvis

Jude Ajuguding Anya'ako

Dear Consulate, To whom it may concern I am writing to solicit a letter to extend my stay in The Kingdom of Thailand. I am a teacher in Thailand and have been working here for 6 years. My new employer could not prepared all the necessary documents to extend visa my visa on time made me over stay my visa 6 days from now. Today the immigration told me to request a letter from my embassy as the way to extend my visa here in thailand for one month and there after extend it long. The immigration said that you should mention as a reason why am applying for the letter out of Thailand is because I don't have embassy in Thailand. I have a kid year old and wife looking up to me. Below is the attachment of my passport. Thank you for understanding. Kind regards. Jude Ajuguding Anya'ako

Degaulle Mbua

Good day, I have an appointment scheduled at the Portuguese Embassy in Abuja to legalize my junior brother's GCE and other school documents from Cameroon. He lives in Cameroon and these documents have already been legalized at the Ministry of External Relations in Cameroon. Upon contacting the Portuguese Embassy, I was informed that these documents must first pass through the Cameroon Embassy in Abuja before being brought to the Portuguese Embassy for legalization. Could you please confirm whether I need to schedule an appointment for this process, or if the documents can be submitted to the embassy on any day? Regards, Degaulle M.

Houzibe Denis

Hi, I am a cameroonian based in Abuja. is it possible for me to renew my passport? if yes how do I go about it. thanks

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